Grace 101 is the name we’ve given to our pathway to membership.
So, whether you’re committed to becoming a member or just checking things out a bit more, Grace 101 is a great place to get to know people, learn more about the beliefs and ministries of the church, and what it means to follow Jesus with others.
We offer Grace 101 three times a year:
+ Part 1: Who is Grace?
What do we believe about God, the Bible, the Gospel? What ministries do we put time and energy toward and why? Come learn about this local church who has been serving Seal Beach for 75 years!
+ Part 2: Who are you?
What’s your story? What spiritual gifts has God given you to be used to bless others? Who are you “in Christ?” Have some fun learning more about yourself and where you best fit in the Grace family.
Spiritual Gifts Inventory (to be completed prior to meeting for Part 2: “Who are You?”)
+ Part 3: Who are we together?
Take another step and become a member of this local church. Meet with a leader to share your testimony and find out more about what it means to commit to others here at Grace.