Understanding the Will of God (Romans 12:2)

Thank you to everyone who came out last Sunday for Grace at the Beach! We had close to 400 people come to the worship service, way more than we expected (which you probably noticed if you were one of the people standing in the back - sorry about that!). 

This week we're back inside the building at Grace and we're covering Romans 12:2. (Yep, just one verse). Why such a short passage? Because it contains a myriad of corrections to our current moment and is so incredibly relevant to our lives 2,000 years after it was written. 

Paul warns his readers that conforming to the world may be tempting, but it will never put us in line with the will of God. Interestingly, Paul from worldly conformity in the form of a metaphor - something pressing on us from the outside-in, a distortion of what we were truly made to be. 

Conformity won't bring us in line with the will of God. Instead, Paul says that we need to experience the renewal of our minds. How does that transformation happen? Why is it described as a renewal? Why is the mind where this should happen? 

Looking forward to talking about it this Sunday with you at Grace!

In Christ, 

Pastor Bob 

Romans 12:2

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

RomansChris HowardBob Wriedt